Farm Smart like to meet customers face to face, and are available to meet at a time and place of YOUR convenience. Click here for an appointment with your nearest Farm Smart agent. Farm Smart agents are also available for questions after signing up, and will be available to offer a renewal contract in person each year.

Pinergy becomes your supplier 10 days after signing up, and for the period between sign up and install, you are billed by monthly direct debit on a “level pay” basis (usually calculated by our agents on your most recent bill). Once the smart metering is fitted, your account will be credited/debited and then all monthly invoices and direct debits will be based off actual reads.

The Energy Innovators. Don’t just Switch. Change to 100% Green Energy!

Why choose us?

With the Pinergy, you can monitor and track exactly how much electricity you are using and what it costs in real time, helping you to reduce your energy consumption, waste and energy costs. Pinergy provide 100% Green Energy.

Contact your nearest Farm Smart agent

Get in Touch

Contact us today at our head office in Cork

Are you interested in longer term energy efficient solutions?

We will arrange for one of our regional energy advisors to meet with you for a no obligation discussion on your energy needs at a time and place that suits you.
Our advisors are experts in farm energy management.
With the help of Pinergy Smart Agri, you can understand and control your farm’s energy usage.